Membership criteria

  1. Any Dermatologist, Pediatrician, Pulmonologist, and Internist(Degree, Diploma or DNB) registered with concerned state medical council shall be eligible for life membership of the Foundation. However,
  • Non-Dermatologists will be considered as ‘Associate Member’ and won’t have any voting right;
  • Any Dermatology / pediatrician / pulmonologist / internist postgraduate student may become

Provisional life member (PLM) for five years

2.   Membership fee shall be :

  • Rs 7000/-for Life Membership and Associate Membership
  • Rs 5000/- for Provisional Life membership..
  • $150 for International Life Membership

3.  Eligible applications received with remittance of admission fee and subscription shall be considered by the Executive Committee for giving membership; Membership application form can be downloaded from the website of the organization. Decision of Executive Committee shall be final in this regard.

4.  If the Foundation joins or subscribes to any parent organization/s, any fee or subscription payable by members to such parent organization/s shall be paid by the members over and above the fees and subscriptions mentioned above. The President and Hon Secretary of the Executive Committee shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee of the parent body, if any.

Membership form

    [group Associate-Member] [/group]

    Online Membership Form:-